
IT Jobs MED-EL Medical Electronics


1 Stellenangebote gefunden

SELECT dvtreff, ittreff, seofriendlyurl, googlemaps, rubrik, stellenid, unternehmen, sortgrp, position, datum, firma, einsatzplz, einsatzort, einsatzortnamen, -100 as min_dist FROM dbo106647313.nurAktiveAnzeigen where aktiv=1 and datumonlineschaltung<=getdate() and schaltungbis>=getdate() and (ittreff=1 or dvtreff=1) and firma like @firmensuche ORDER BY dvtreff, sortgrp asc, Datum DESC

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Job Logo - MED-EL Medical Electronics

vom 17.07.2024

Research Engineer (m/f/d)

MED-EL Medical Electronics


MED-EL is a leading manufacturer of innovative medical devices for the treatment of various types and degrees of hearing loss. Our unique portfolio of implantable hearing solutions benefits thousands of individuals in more than 140 countries worldwide. With headquarters in Innsbruck, Austria, MED-EL has over 2,800 employees around the world. ...

vom 17.07.2024